As people that love to get outdoors and adventure in nature, we can see the impact that our decisions as a society have had on our planet, and understand the need to be making products that can exist in harmony with our environment. This is a fraught path to pursue in the world of physical products, as the infrastructure and resources for truly sustainable products just aren’t there. But we strive to make responsible and self-critical decisions in our practices to incorporate the environment as a key stakeholder in our company.

The root of our mission is the idea that making it easier and more fun (and more stylish) for people to choose their bike over their car, will help us develop lifestyles with lower carbon footprints. It’s a big ask for a bag, but we all have to play our part in shaping a more sustainable future.

How are we doing it?

  • From the fabric down to the thread, we have very intentionally selected and sourced components that are made of recycled material. We use a fabric called EcoPak EPLX400, which is not only a high performance technical fabric, but is a recycled polyester made from plastic bottle, approximately 20 bottles per linear meter of fabric. Our fabric, thread, lacing cord, zippers and plastic inserts are all made of recycled material. The only component that we haven't sourced from recycled materials is our zipper slider.

  • One of the most important choices you can make in creating a product is extending its lifespan and ensuring that you product doesn't need to be replaced. We not only strive to make a product of the quality that is long lasting, but also provide options for repairing your bag if something happens, either through patches that match the fabric of your bag, or by repairing the bag for you.

    We see patches as a badge of honor; not only are you using your bag to its full potential, but you're displaying your commitment to keeping it out of a landfill.

  • One of the pitfalls of mass manufacturing is the required inventory needed to fufill orders instantly. By creating custom products that are made to ordered, we can produce just what we need. Though this means it takes a little longer to get your bag, it ensures that excess product doesn't end up in the landfill.

  • It has unfortunately been the trend over the past few decades that manufacturing has predominantly moved overseas. While this has helped bring the cost down, it comes with a hefty carbon footprint to get those products in customer's hands.

    By producing our bags in the US, we can not only ensure a higher quality product, but can help reduce transportation emmisions.

    And if you're nearby, we'll even deliver your bag by bike!

96% Recycled Material